AASO Owl image Faculty of Engineering
Innovation and Design
Offered As: Minor
URL: https://engg.hku.hk/Portals/0/UG/syllabuses/Syllabus-Minor-Innovation-and-Design-21-22.pdf
*Open to students of other Faculties: Yes
Credits: 48
What is it about? Product design, fabrication, development and manufacturing processes have always been core fields of knowledge and training in engineering. In the acquisition and mastering of these fields of knowledge, students taking this minor programme will have gained valuable opportunities in 'Experiential Learning' through 'hands-on' projects and accomplished "active learning" by tackling design problems via building concrete models and devices. Knowledge on current topics of science and technologies, e.g. artificial intelligence, computer-aided manufacturing, robotics, 3D printing, design and fabrication, drones and unmanned vehicles, computer programming will also be taught.

Students from the Faculties of Engineering and Science can fulfil this Minor by taking a specified set of core and elective courses. Students without a STEM (Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics) background can still take a special combination of courses to satisfy the academic requirements.
Offering Faculty/ Department/ School/Institute Faculty of Engineering

Pre-requisite requirements and/or other conditions for declaring the major/minor - Level 3 or above in HKDSE Mathematics or equivalent
- Level 3 or above in HKDSE Physics or Combined Science with Physics
component or equivalent
Career opportunities Artificial intelligence, computer game design and programming, drones, electric vehicles and robotics are intensively studied fields of knowledge and devices in various branches of engineering recently, especially mechanical engineering and computer science. Graduates proficient in these skills or possessing capabilities to handle these devices would be hotly sought after by potential employers. As examples, candidates with knowledge in additive manufacturing, drones and robots can lead to job opportunities in companies specializing in aerospace, construction, control, fabrication and transportation.
Further information https://www.mech.hku.hk/
Contact Prof. K.W. Chow
Tel: 3917 2641
Email: kwchow@hku.hk
* Note: Students pursuing curricula with major / minor programme(s) must complete at least one major programme from their home Faculties upon graduation. Disclaimer: The information mainly applies to students admitted in 2023-24 and thereafter. For students from different cohorts, the information is only for reference. Please check with Faculty/offering department for details. The pre-requisite requirements / conditions are subject to changes by Faculties from time to time, and students are advised to check with their Faculty Office in case of doubt.