AASO Owl image Faculty of Science
Offered As: Minor
URL: https://webapp.science.hku.hk/sr4/servlet/enquiry?Type=Minor&Code=MinorInAstronomy&AdmissionYear=2023
*Open to students of other Faculties: Yes
Credits: 36
What is it about? The Minor in Astronomy is intended to provide interested students with a fundamental outlook on the subject. Students would acquire a taste of the subject through a large selection of elective courses to allow them to pursue their interests in the subject and to establish connections between the field of astronomy and other science disciplines.
Offering Faculty/ Department/ School/Institute Department of Physics

Pre-requisite requirements and/or other conditions for declaring the major/minor Students must have level 3 or above in HKDSE Physics or equivalent to take this minor. Students who do not fulfill this requirement are advised to take PHYS1240 Physics by inquiry. Please refer to the course prerequisites of the required courses.

For details, please check with the Department of Physics.
Career opportunities In addition to preparing students for postgraduate studies as professional astronomers, astronomy training can lead to local careers in museums, weather services, and the education sectors. Beyond Hong Kong, Astronomy graduates have challenging careers in aerospace, communications, energy, and computer industries, as well as in astronomical observatories and space research centres.

For details, please check with Faculty or CEDARS (Careers & Placement).
Further information https://webapp.science.hku.hk/sr4/servlet/enquiry?Type=Minor&Code=MinorInAstronomy&AdmissionYear=2023
Contact E: physdept@hku.hk
T: 2859 2360
* Note: Students pursuing curricula with major / minor programme(s) must complete at least one major programme from their home Faculties upon graduation. Disclaimer: The information mainly applies to students admitted in 2023-24 and thereafter. For students from different cohorts, the information is only for reference. Please check with Faculty/offering department for details. The pre-requisite requirements / conditions are subject to changes by Faculties from time to time, and students are advised to check with their Faculty Office in case of doubt.