AASO Owl image Faculty of Science
Molecular Biology & Biotechnology
Offered As: Intensive Major Major Minor
URL: https://webapp.science.hku.hk/sr4/servlet/enquiry?Type=Major&Code=MajorInMolecularBiolBiotechIntensive&AdmissionYear=2023 https://webapp.science.hku.hk/sr4/servlet/enquiry?Type=Major&Code=MajorInMolecularBiolBiotech&AdmissionYear=2023 https://webapp.science.hku.hk/sr4/servlet/enquiry?Type=Minor&Code=MinorInMolecularBiolBiotech&AdmissionYear=2023
*Open to students of other Faculties: only open to BSc students Yes Yes
Credits: 144 96 36
What is it about? Recent advancements in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology have not only cracked important and fundamental problems in life sciences, but also emerged as a mainstay of science and technologies of the 21st century. Innovations from advances in these fields have substantially transformed our daily lives, society and environment. This Major/ Intensive Major offers specialised training in state-of-the-art molecular and cell biology, and in the translation of basic knowledge into modern industrial and medical applications.

The Minor in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology aims to provide students with a fundamental understanding of molecular biology and biotechnology which are relevant to many other disciplines of study and our daily life. Students will learn the principles underlying current molecular and cell biology advances, and biotechnological applications and will become literate in biotechnology business and advancements.

The intensive major in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology has been accredited by the Royal Society of Biology (RSB), UK, for the purpose of meeting in part the academic and experience requirement for the Membership and Chartered Biologist (CBiol).
Offering Faculty/ Department/ School/Institute School of Biological Sciences

Pre-requisite requirements and/or other conditions for declaring the major/minor Major/ Intensive Major/ Minor:
Please refer to the course prerequisites of the required courses.

For details, please check with the School of Biological Sciences.
Career opportunities Built upon a sound theoretical foundation, students will further develop various essential skills in molecular biology and biotechnology through hands-on laboratory trainings and experimental biology-based projects. A feature of this major is to provide key transferable skills by engaging students in inquiry, critical thinking, and problem solving in their learning.

The intensive major involves additional coursework and research/capstone experience. It is designed for students with interest on a fuller scope of the discipline or planning to pursue research studies for a higher degree in any area of life science.

For details, please check with Faculty or CEDARS (Careers & Placement).
Further information Major:

Intensive Major:

Contact E: biosch@hku.hk
T: 2299 0800
* Note: Students pursuing curricula with major / minor programme(s) must complete at least one major programme from their home Faculties upon graduation. Disclaimer: The information mainly applies to students admitted in 2023-24 and thereafter. For students from different cohorts, the information is only for reference. Please check with Faculty/offering department for details. The pre-requisite requirements / conditions are subject to changes by Faculties from time to time, and students are advised to check with their Faculty Office in case of doubt.