AASO Owl image Faculty of Social Sciences
Urban Governance
Offered As: Major Minor
URL: https://www.geog.hku.hk/second-major-minor-in-urban-governance https://www.geog.hku.hk/second-major-minor-in-urban-governance
*Open to students of other Faculties: Yeshttps://www.geog.hku.hk/second-major-minor-in-urban-governance Yeshttps://www.geog.hku.hk/second-major-minor-in-urban-governance
Credits: 72 36
What is it about? We live in a rapidly urbanizing world where the time-space dimensions have been compressed by the rapid development of new cities and urban re-development. The land use and urban form of cities have been substantially shaped by different priorities in urban development, among other factors. The urbanization process and the development of modern cities have brought tremendous impacts on both the physical and human geography of contemporary societies. The increasing degree of urbanization around the world has prompted questions over the long-term sustainability of cities and extended urban regions. The pursuit of sustainability in cities, in both developed and developing countries, has forced a reassessment of the form and pattern of urban development, governance, planning, and management. The broad spectrum of courses included in this programme will provide students with a systematic understanding of the basic approaches and key theories of urban governance, planning, and management. Students will receive thorough training in the application of such knowledge to urban governance, planning, urban environmental management, and transport planning issues in Hong Kong, China's mainland, and the East Asia region.
Offering Faculty/ Department/ School/Institute Department of Geography

Pre-requisite requirements and/or other conditions for declaring the major/minor Major:
and 2 out of the following (not more than one from the same discipline):
POLI1003 or PSYC1001/PSYC1004 or SOWK1001/SOWK1002/SOWK1011/SOWK1014 or
SOCI1001/SOCI1003 or SINO1003


For details, please check with the Department of Geography.
Career opportunities This programme will prepare students to pursue careers in the fields of urban governance, urban development, urban planning, urban environmental management and transport policy and planning. For details, please check with the Department of Geography, Faculty or CEDARS (Careers & Placement).
Further information https://www.socsc.hku.hk/fw/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/BSocSc_2022-23.pdf (pp.53-57)
Contact T: 3917-7104
E: geogug@hku.hk
* Note: Students pursuing curricula with major / minor programme(s) must complete at least one major programme from their home Faculties upon graduation. Disclaimer: The information mainly applies to students admitted in 2023-24 and thereafter. For students from different cohorts, the information is only for reference. Please check with Faculty/offering department for details. The pre-requisite requirements / conditions are subject to changes by Faculties from time to time, and students are advised to check with their Faculty Office in case of doubt.